lundi, 5 févrieren citation motivation positif obstacles Obstacles are those frightful things you see wh...
samedi, 3 févrieren citation ressenti sentiments expression Be who you are and say what you feel, because t...
vendredi, 2 févrieren citation ignorance amitié sage Nothing is so dangerous as an ignorant friend; ...
jeudi, 1er févrieren citation esprit ressenti froisser corps Age wrinkles the body. Quitting wrinkles the so...
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lundi, 29 janvieren citation prise de recul vision Your vision will become clear only when you loo...
dimanche, 28 janvieren citation but succès challenge Success is a state of mind. If you want success...
mercredi, 17 janvieren citation vision simple complexe travail accomplissement Simple can be harder than complex: you have to ...
lundi, 15 janvieren vie citation erreurs ambition Driving ambition is the last refuge of the fail...
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lundi, 1er janvieren citation se dépasser peur erreurs apprentissage Don't be afraid to make mistakes, just be afrai...
lundi, 25 décembreen citation limites se dépasser peur perdre The greatest freedom of all - is not having the...
jeudi, 21 décembreen citation limites se dépasser The only way of finding the limits of the possi...
mercredi, 20 décembreen citation limites se dépasser impossible effort The man who can drive himself further once the ...
lundi, 18 décembreen citation erreur opportunité répétition Failure is only an opportunity to begin again m...
samedi, 16 décembreen citation limites se dépasser possible impossible The longer we dwell on our misfortunes, the gre...
jeudi, 14 décembreen citation prise de recul limites liberté se dépasser Do just once what others say you can't do, and ...
mercredi, 13 décembreen citation motivation vision projection You have to expect things of yourself before yo...
vendredi, 8 décembreen citation apprentissage évolution Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. ...
mercredi, 6 décembreen citation limites se dépasser possible impossible Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's...
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samedi, 2 décembreen vie citation apprentissage expérience leçon Experience is a hard teacher. She gives the tes...
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mercredi, 1er novembreen citation succès réussite définition Failure is not the opposite of success, it's pa...
dimanche, 29 octobreen vie lâchez prise citation recul paix Everything that has a beginning has an ending. ...
samedi, 28 octobreen choses vie lâchez prise citation A man is rich in proportion to the number of th...
jeudi, 26 octobreen citation réputation confiance You can't build a reputation on what you're goi...
mercredi, 25 octobreen vie lâchez prise citation souffrance You suffer because things are impermanent and y...
vendredi, 20 octobreen citation apprentissage évolution sagesse We learn something every day, and lots of times...
samedi, 23 septembreen vie citation but altruisme What do we live for if not to make life less di...
mardi, 22 aoûten citation inspiration attentes entrainement We don't rise to the level of our expectations,...
dimanche, 23 juilleten vie citation succès bonheur Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness ...
mardi, 18 juilleten citation idéaux objectif but sens Better to fight for something than live for not...
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samedi, 8 juilleten citation souffrir imagination réalité conscience We suffer more often in imagination than in rea...
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vendredi, 25 marsen citation répétition habitude perfection We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, ...
dimanche, 13 marsen citation apprentissage différence Take what you learn and make a difference with ...
dimanche, 22 févrieren citation positif changement They didn't know that it was impossible, thus t...
mercredi, 28 janvieren vie citation but challenge décrouvrir The greatest challenge in life is discovering w...